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our mission

Jamaica Gateway to the Sciences Mission is to Encourage the High Achievement of, and provide Advanced Academic Preparation for students. Students will Graduate Prepared Academically, Socially, and Emotionally for Rigorous College Coursework and the Pursuit of Health and Science Related Careers while being exposed to the arts.


We are committed to fostering academic excellence and equity by providing high quality, learning standards-based instruction and nurturing the social and emotional needs of every student.

Queens South High School’s Inclusivity Commitment at Jamaica Gateway to the Sciences is the following A.C.E. program (Academic Curriculum Enrichment), Regents Prep, Corrective Reading, SAT Prep, Integrated Co-teaching Model (Scaffolding/Differentiation), Mandated IEP Counselor, Queens Hospital On-site Therapy Program and MASS program (Mandatory Academic Supports Services).

Our school has earned the College Board's AP® Computer Science Female Diversity Award for expanding young women’s access to AP Computer Science Principles (CSP).

This award acknowledges 1,105 schools for their work toward equal gender representation during the 2021-22 school year. Our school is one of only 832 schools to be recognized for achieving this important result in AP CSP!

This honor recognizes the outstanding work your school is doing to engage more female students in computer science.

Female Diversity Award